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Access & Inclusion

Access & Inclusion

We strive to be accessible to all people of all abilities.

We are committed to promoting an inclusive environment in which all people can access our services and facilities.

We want all people in our region to enjoy a high quality of life.

We want residents and visitors to be able to participate in community life and pursue interests without restrictions based on ability.

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP)

We fall under the umbrella of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), and share DPIRD’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2024-2029.

The plan was developed in consultation with the DAIP Working Group, Department of Communities, Regional Development Commissions, peak bodies and people with disability, and the DPIRD communications branch.

The plan underpins a commitment to ensuring the Commission’s information, services and facilities are inclusive and accessible for all people.


At the South West Development Commission, we believe all people should have the same information and opportunities. 

Providing our information to all users, including those with a disability, is important to us. If anything on this site is inaccessible to you, or you are experiencing problems accessing content for any reason, please contact us on 9792 2000 or email




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