Local Content Adviser Program
Your local Content Adviser, supporting business growth in the South West
The State Government launched the Local Content Program to maximise the participation of local businesses in regional supply or works contracting opportunities.
Recognising that it can often be challenging for businesses to access and engage as a supplier, Local Content Advisers take a lead role in promoting supply opportunities and facilitating regional business capability and growth. In the South West region, your Local Content Adviser Zoe Langridge is available to assist local businesses.
As part of the Local Content Adviser Network, the Local Content Adviser, is dedicated to connecting across Government Agencies, industry bodies, and Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs). This role is an essential component of the WA Industry Link initiative under the Western Australian Jobs Act 2017. Local Content in regional WA is supported through the WA Buy Local Policy, which is designed to ensure regional businesses can benefit from the State Government’s expenditure on goods, services and works.
5 Ways Our Local Content Adviser Can Assist Your Local Business
Our Local Content Adviser is committed to helping regional businesses succeed. Here are five ways that the Local Content Adviser can assist your business:
- Connecting Businesses with Supply Opportunities: Assist local businesses in identifying procurement opportunities.
- Connecting Head Contractors with Subcontractors: Facilitate relationships between head contractors and local subcontractors, strengthening supply chains and creating more integrated business networks within the region.
- Facilitating Business Growth: Through collaboration with local businesses, industry groups, and government stakeholders, help drive business development and economic growth within the region.
- Enhancing Business Competitiveness: Support local businesses in building their capabilities and increasing their capacity, enabling them to compete more effectively in the market.
- Providing Insight on Government Procurement: Offer guidance on navigating the complexities of government procurement processes, empowering businesses to better understand and participate effectively in government contracts while advocating for the design of procurement activities to maximise local business participation.
State Government Opportunities
Western Australian government agencies use Tenders WA to advertise public requests and publish contractual awards, including sole source purchases. Register your business with Tenders WA to access a range of tender opportunities and access additional features.
Our Local Content Adviser is here to help you access supply opportunities and support your business growth in the region. To connect with your Local Content Adviser in the South West region, zoe.langridge@swdc.wa.gov.au .
Information & Documents
Government Tender Updates – South West Region #42
Local contact
BORR contact
The Bunbury Outer Ring Road (BORR) is the biggest transport infrastructure project ever to be undertaken in the South West.
If you have a query about business opportunities on the BORR, please contact Scott Radici: