The Hon Don Punch MLA, Minister for Regional Development
About our Minister
Hon Don Punch MLA is the Minister for Regional Development; Disability Services; Fisheries; and Seniors and Ageing.
He has been a member of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly since 2017, representing the seat of Bunbury.
Don migrated to Australia from Manchester in 1971, attending high school in Manjimup and Collie.
Prior to entering politics, Don studied psychology and social work at the University of Western Australia, and later completed an MBA at Edith Cowan University. He has worked throughout regional Western Australia as a social worker and as a Senior Executive in the public sector.
In 1998, Don became CEO of the South West Development Commission and assumed responsibility for many aspects of the South West region’s social and economic development. Key projects included the renewal of the Manjimup town centre with an emphasis on food based tourism, the renewal of the Bunbury waterfront and the redevelopment of Busselton airport. He continued in this role until resigning to contest the seat of Bunbury in 2016.
After being elected in 2017, Don was appointed to the WA Methamphetamine Task Force and the Community Development and Justice Standing Committee.
Upon re-election in 2021 he was appointed to the second McGowan Ministry.
His passion for blending social and economic development and commitment to creative design and emerging technologies characterised his work in the South West, and will continue to guide his Ministerial agenda.