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Aged accommodation

Aged accommodation

The South West is home to a higher percentage of over-55s than the WA average. It is therefore important to address the aged accommodation needs of the region.

We are working to ensure there is an adequate stock of affordable accommodation options for the region’s older residents. In doing so, we aim to ensure people can continue living in their home communities as their needs change with age.

Through the State Government’s Regional Aged Accommodation Program, three projects have received funding in Brunswick Junction, Donnybrook and Dunsborough.

Our support of these projects builds on the work we have carried out over the years to ensure supply of a range of accommodation options throughout the region and create age-friendly communities.

Fast Facts

Capecare Dunsborough - COMPLETE

Campus-style facility in Dunsborough with 21 independent living units and 80 residential high-care beds.

Brunswick River Cottages - COMPLETE

Eight new independent living units at Brunswick Junction.

Bridge Street Villas - COMPLETE

Ten new independent living units in Donnybrook.


Dunsborough’s first aged care facility officially opened in October 2021 with a plan to settle in staff and residents in a staged basis.

In August 2022, Capecare Dunsborough reported that it had recently welcomed in an additional 20 residents to its
aged care facility, reaching 50 per cent capacity.

To find out about how you can work or volunteer at Capecare contact or visit

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