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Advanced Manufacturing and Technology Hub (AMTECH)

Advanced Manufacturing and Technology Hub (AMTECH)

Planning now, to manufacture the jobs of the future.

Advanced manufacturing is identified as a priority cross-sector enabler for Western Australia to help grow and diversify the economy, create jobs and secure the State’s future prosperity.

In the South West region, manufacturing is a key economic contributor with significant scope for advancement to increase global competitiveness and domestic production.

To unlock industry’s potential, we are we are investigating the feasibility of establishing an advanced manufacturing and technology hub in the Bunbury area.

It is envisioned the hub will give manufacturers an edge when competing for work by providing access to shared infrastructure, cutting edge technology, education and training programs, and research facilities.

Consultancy firm Deloitte has been appointed to deliver a full feasibility study and business case to detail the proposal and provide the rationale for investment.

The hub will boost business capability and capacity to collaborate on major projects and assist the community and industry to transition to a clean energy future. More information on the What is AMTECH page.

What's happening

The vision to create an advanced manufacturing and technology hub (AMTECH) in the South West is driven by industry’s aspirations to keep pace with technological change and have access to industry-based skills training to meet current and future needs.

In 2020 the South West Development Commission (SWDC) gathered industry leaders, educators and government for a series of round table discussions to plan a way forward to support the manufacturing sector and unlock the region’s potential.

An Industry Leaders Group was subsequently formed to provide strategic advice to government on market opportunities and how local enterprise competes at a global level. The group is represented by businesses in the manufacturing supply chain, peak bodies, business groups, workers, and education and training providers.

To drive the initiative forward, government invested $2.465 million to fully scope the AMTECH proposal and build a case for public and private sector investment.

Industry goals:

  • Digital transformation and automation
  • Uplift in research and development
  • Skilled workforce filling high-tech jobs
  • Increased global competitiveness
  • Joint venture partnerships
  • Local supply chain security


The AMTECH Feasibility Report was successfully completed in June 2024. The report’s findings demonstrate the viability of the proposed model, options for staged development and the role that government and industry will play in activating the precinct.

The report highlights opportunities to build manufacturing capability to support a range of industries, including renewable energy transition, critical minerals downstream processing, battery supply chains and decommissioning, among others.

Extensive market analysis and stakeholder engagement has informed the plans for a state-of-the-art manufacturing precinct with on-site education and training facilities, common user infrastructure and programs to foster innovation and skills development.

The study examined various national and international case studies to compare the functions of existing manufacturing precincts and university-led research and development facilities to determine a model that will provide the greatest benefit for the region.

Critically the feasibility study found that AMTECH will position the region to deliver on State and Commonwealth Government priorities to support Australia’s manufacturing base and build economic sovereignty as part of a clean energy future.

More information on the What is AMTECH page.

The AMTECH Business Case is nearing completion and has identified design costings, cost benefit analysis, operational modelling, industry partnerships and staging options for the development.

Importantly, the business case highlights how all levels of government, education and the private sector will work together to realise AMTECH’s potential to grow the State’s advanced manufacturing capability.

AMTECH seeks to create a world-class advanced manufacturing precinct that provides industry with access to shared infrastructure and cutting-edge technology, education and training programs and research facilities.

Support is pivotal to the success of AMTECH, and we are fortunate that our business leaders have generously given their expertise and time to inform the conceptual design. 

The growth of advanced manufacturing is about accelerating productivity and securing the future of our industries as technology and global trends increasingly reshape how we do business.

It’s all part of the plan to support our people to build the skills needed for the industries of the future and forge a path to long-term sustainable jobs.

We look forward to updating you further once government has reviewed the draft business case.




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